Car Thefts are Skyrocketing: What You Can Do to Protect Yourself.

Two Members of Armor Security Team smiling and looking at Camera

Car Thieves are in Your Neighborhood

(Names have been changed to protect victims of crimes)

It was a cold, damp January Tuesday in Rochester, New York when Rick Santoy, a business manager at a corporate facility on the edge of downtown Rochester, was preparing to head out to lunch. When Rick looked out the window to check the weather, what he saw would surprise and shock him. As he glanced towards the parking lot, he watched as four individuals, appearing to be in their teens, casually opened the doors to his vehicle, started his car, and drove out of the parking lot. Rick, understandably unnerved, headed towards the parking lot to ascertain the situation, but what happened next was even more surprising. As Rick exited the lobby and headed towards the parking lot, security having already been notified, he witnessed as the teens, driving his car, sped down the street separating the office building and the parking area. With no apparent place to go, the teens were joy riding in his car, even smirking as they passed by, close enough to see the look on Rick’s face. As security officers began responding to the scene, the teens sped off.

Property Crime is on the Rise

What happened to Rick is, unfortunately, not an isolated incident. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), 932,329 vehicles were reported stolen in 2021. In the first three quarters of 2022, 745,000 vehicles were reported stolen, when the final numbers are tallied, we are likely to see close to a million vehicles stolen last year. While some violent crimes have trended lower since the pandemic, property crimes, including vehicle theft, continue to rise. Vehicle thefts are at their highest since 2008.

One must ask why. With a low jobless rate, you would assume more individuals would be working as opposed to committing crimes. Also, wouldn’t these offenders, almost certainly repeat offenders, be deterred from committing these crimes for fear of doing jail time? Additionally, with it being 2023, one would also assume that technology has made stealing a car much more difficult. The fact is that, similar to Rick’s situation, a significant number of vehicles are being stolen by teenagers.

Criminals Face Few Consequences

Lt. Greg Bello of the Rochester Police Department says, “we’ve made quite a few arrests… unfortunately, they’re frequently juveniles and they get referred to the family court system and they also end up getting released on appearance tickets or the adults we catch are released on appearance tickets because it’s not considered a violent crime.”

Kia and Hyundai Owners are Prime Targets

The problem also appears to be fueled by a recent discovery that Kia and Hyundai vehicles are especially easy to steal. 44% of vehicles stolen in 2023 are Kia and Hyundai models. A quick search online and you will find how-to videos explaining how to start a Kia or Hyundai vehicle, without a key, in a few easy steps and with the assistance of a common USB cord. While Kia and Hyundai are working to fix this, hundreds of thousands of vehicles remain vulnerable.

Protect Yourself from Car Thieves

What can be done to protect yourself and your vehicle? Following just a few simple steps will help deter

criminals from stealing your vehicle and can help keep you out of harm’s way.  An easy option recommended for owners of all cars, is a simple and time tested anti-theft device called The Club. This device is about two feet long, resembles the handle of an umbrella or an oversized bike lock, and works by preventing a car's steering wheel from being turned. Another tip is to park your vehicle in a well-lit, highly traveled area of the parking lot. Thieves are opportunistic and will seek out a location that appears to be off the beaten path and often in an area with poor lighting. Lastly, always lock your doors and don’t leave valuables in your car. You wouldn’t leave the front door to your house unlocked (I certainly hope this is the case), so don’t make your car an easy target for thieves.

For the Kia and Hyundai owners, Hyundai, (the manufacturer of Kia) has released anti-theft kits for $170, plus installation. These kits target the most common means of entry that thieves use to get into the vehicle. To learn more, contact your local dealer.

All vehicle owners should check and make sure that your automobile insurance policy is up to date and provides adequate coverage against vehicle theft.

A Not-so-Happy Ending

Remember Rick? Unfortunately, his vehicle has yet to be located. According to the responding police officer that day, car thieves are becoming more brazen.  He shared a story about arresting a group of teenagers for stealing a car.  After he dropped them off at the holding facility for processing,  he sat and finished his report in the parking lot. That same group of teens, upon their release from processing, drove past the officer waving at and taunting him.

On Site Security Guards Prevent Car Thefts

There is hope however. Armor Security was contacted by Rick’s  company to provide armed guards to patrol their parking area. We put a team in place the very next day.  Just three days later we encountered an individual scouring the parking lot for a vehicle to steal. Thankfully, when we encountered him, he fled the property empty handed. As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Criminals typically look for the path of least resistance, or the easy target. Follow the simple steps above to help avoid becoming a victim of vehicle theft.

Additional Information and Resources:

  1. “NICB Report Finds Vehicle Thefts Continue to Skyrocket in Many Areas of U.S”, January 24, 2023,

  2. Berkeley Brean “Rochester in middle of spike of stolen cars, mostly KIAs and Hyundais”, September 1, 2022,



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